Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

     Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I've had this project ready to go and it just keeps raining(I have to go outside)! The best part? When it hasn't been raining, I am either in class or my daughter is refusing her nap(the little stinker). Just my luck! If this weather doesn't let up by Friday I will definitely have to put the project away for another day and do something a bit more indoorsy. Please don't forget about me- I haven't forgotten you! Be on the look out (:

     xoxo Tori 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!

Speaking of feet, mine are freezing! Is fall really supposed to be this cold?

Anyways, instead of enjoying this "fall" weather, I spent my afternoon at Wal-Mart yesterday searching for something to make once I went home. I walked past the acrylic paints and noticed that they were only 50 cents a piece! Then I remembered an evening where I was browsing Pinterest and saw the Candy Corn Foot print(original links on the bottom) and knew that I had to pick up the paint. It also didn't help that a pack of 3 foam paint brushes were priced at only 97 cents and I found a picture frame on clearance for just a $1.97! My lucky day! 

Although all of this is pretty self explanatory, it's just sort of my "thing" to break it down and get a little more in depth, so follow along! (: 

Here's what you'll need:
  • Picture Frame (I used a 4x6)
  • Piece of paper (I used cardstock, but any will work)
  • Fine Tip Marker (I used a Sharpie)
  • Foam Brushes
  • Scissors
  • Acrylic Paints (White, Orange, and Yellow)
  • Oh, and an infant or child. Can't forget that.
If you want the exact colors I used, go to Wal-Mart and buy the Apple Barrel Paints. They are 50 cents a piece and can be used for other crafts a well!

White- 21884 Snow White
Orange- 21471 Spiced Carrot
Yellow- 21474 Yellow Flame

Go ahead and grab a scrap piece of paper(aka not the one the foot print will be on). Squirt a bit of each color onto it so you don't have to worry about how much you might squeeze directly onto the brush!

I'm using white paper! In my head it just looked more "sophisticated" that way with the frame I decided to use. If you feel the same way, add just a dot of yellow to your white paint puddle. This way, you will have more of an eggshell color and the white on white will be noticeable. In this picture I clearly added too much yellow. After mixing it in, I added some more white until I got the color I wanted and all was well.. So don't freak if the same thing happens to you. (:

Step one: Use your foam brush and paint your childs heel white.

I chose a foam brush simply because the hairs on a regular brush can tickle the feet or be itchy! I have also found that it covers more ground. I also decided to paint lightest to darkest. I didn't see the need to use more than one brush, so by starting with white, yellow, and lastly orange, I wouldn't have to worry if I messed up. In simpler terms: If I painted to much yellow or white, I could easily cover it with orange. Whereas, if I started with orange or went white to orange, to yellow, it'd be harder to cover up the orange and add more yellow or white. Don't worry though, it's going to look exactly like a candy corn. (:

 Step two: So.. I don't know exactly what the area above the toes is called, but paint all of it like shown! Remember: white, yellow, orange! (:

Step three: Add that orange to the middle!
Doesn't that look so cute?? I don't know what it is about baby feet, but they just drive me nuts! Also, if you have a baby and plan on doing this.. they don't exactly enjoy this part. All is well after you stamp it though, which also brings us to..

Step four: Lay your paper down on a flat surface and stamp your childs foot on it! My sister had the bright idea to just bring the paper to the foot(my daughter isn't old enough to stand yet) and it doesn't stamp well enough. My advice for anyone in the same situation is to have someone hold down the paper while you stand your baby up. It isn't that hard, but beware.. they will jump.

and finally, step five: Let dry. This generally doesn't take too long for this project. I waited less than ten minutes.

When your childs foot print is finished drying, go ahead and remove the glass from your picture frame. Lay it over your piece of paper where the candy corn is located. Once you find a spot you like, trace and cut. If you wish, you can add a cute Halloween saying, googly eyes, a washi tape boarder, etc. It's all up to you and your child. When your finished decorating, simply frame and display!
Viola, you're done! How cute is that?? 

I hope you enjoyed following along with this simple Halloween DIY!
Suggestions, questions, and comments are welcome below!

xoxo, Tori

Please also check out-
Teacher at Heart(Original Poster)
Juggling with Kids(Pinterest Poster)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

DIY Washi Tape & White Board Organizer!

Two words: washi tape. I mean, who doesn't love washi tape? It's not just for scrapbooking and other crafts, but can also be used for organizing, decluttering of cords, and a cuter way to hang up posters than ye olde transparent scotch tape. Also, it won't take the paint off of your walls, bonus! 

Originally, my post and craft of the week was going to be something different. Similar in it's purpose, but not this. I totally miscounted an item I needed and by the time I caught on, it was far too late. Rather than waste all of the material, I pondered for a minute on what I could do instead. I was pretty disappointed, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my first post! So here we have what I like to call a 5 minute craft.

You can buy white boards at the store for a couple of bucks.. or you you could save those couple of bucks and just put a piece of paper in a picture frame. It works the exact same as long as you have the correct markers! (: and if you would like to get a bit more organized and make this a bit more personalized, then grab your washi tape and make yourself a weekly to-do board! Or a chore list for each child in your house, you know, whatever floats your boat. 

What you will need: An 8x10 picture frame, a piece of paper, washi tape, and scissors. 

You can also make an optional header out of a paint chip and ribbon. Just glue those suckers on! (:

Step one: Pick up your first role of washi tape, cut a piece long enough to wrap around your paper, and do just that! You can do this vertically or horizontally, just keep in mind you'll have more space to write if you do it horizontally, but not as much room to list. It all comes down to preference! Do the same for your second, third, fourth, etc. If you're doing it for the days of the week, keep in mind, there are seven! 

Step two: Once your finished adding your washi tape, frame your paper! Optional step: Make your paint chip header. Paint chips are great for crafts because they're free at the store! Pick out as many as you like on your next trip to Lowe's, Home Depot, or Walmart. Just add a strip of washi tape to your paper(a bit higher than the rest of the tape, glue down your paint chip(cut to your desired size), and put a ribbon(or washi tape) boarder around it! It's that simple!

Step Three: Display, write, and be organized! This is a much more sophisticated and fun way to display your daily chores/ to-do lists than a boring old white board! And the best part? Most of these items are all things you already have at home, especially if you're a crafter! Don't have an 8x10 picture frame lounging around your house, begging to be used? Hit up your local dollar tree! Much cheaper than your local grocer.

Thank you for reading my post and enjoy!
Any questions? Suggestions? Drop a comment!

xoxo Tori